Joined-up solutions for evolving organisations

Culture change
Nurture a culture that thrives
- What culture drives you forward?
- What is the gap between where you are now and where you want to be?
- How do you ‘dial up’ the critical areas that have impact?
In this six to twelve month, tailored culture change programme, we’ll help you discover what matters most to your people. Use the latest cultural science and real-time people analytics to uncover a clear route to change, so you can focus your time and resources on the actions that matter.
Unleash the potential in teams
- How do you help people collaborate with purpose?
- Can you sense when teams are held back by their relationships
- How do you prioritise, make decisions and take action in a joined-up way?
During this half-day, data-driven workshop with quarterly follow-ups, you’ll learn to sense the connections that inspire decision-making, collaboration and creativity in teams. With human-centred analytics and real-time insights you can nurture relationships that connect, include and thrive.
Critical role analysis
Make everyone matter
- Can you sense the hidden networks in your organisation?
- Does your talent management programme measure critical factors like tacit knowledge, trust and creativity?
- Are you missing hidden talent in your networks and how would you know if you are?
We guide you through critical role analysis with a detailed report that makes use of the latest Organisational Network Analysis (ONA) tools. Use your insights to support all aspects of succession planning and talent management so that all individuals can contribute and thrive.
Values programme
Become a movement for change
- Are you trying to be ‘values-led’ but falling short?
- Do your organisation’s values really drive the behaviours you want to see?
- Do you sacrifice diversity to make people ‘fit’ with your organisation’s values?
Over six months, this tailored programme uncovers the gap between the values your organisation says it has and the ones that actually influence people at work. We help you close that gap. We start with data and end with an organisation where individuals, teams and networks evolve a way of working that puts values at their heart.
Diversity & inclusion
Make inclusion a practical reality
- Can you measure the impact of your diversity and inclusion initiatives?
- Do you expect people to fit into the culture at the expense of difference?
- Are people being included and taking responsibility for their inclusion?
- Is cross-business working really happening productively?
This tailored promgramme uncovers the true diversity of your people and the underlying barriers to inclusion in your organisation. Our collaboration begins with a data- and science-driven ONA report and ends when inclusion becomes a practical reality for everyone.
Connecting Employees
Supporting hybrid working
- Which teams and individuals have strong connections?
- Where are your people and teams disconnected?
- How do you help people and teams include and collaborate better?
Organisations are looking at what is the desired culture in the new world of hybrid working and how it is different to the past. Hybrid working will energise some and leave others feeling less connected. Understanding what connects people and enabling the conversations that matter, helps forge stronger collaborative networks. This report and workshop explore the networks that really matter and facilitates discussion to help people be better connected and better collaborators in the world of hybrid working.